EU: A standard is open when implemented in open source

A public sector organisation should only refer to a software or file format standard if the standard has been implemented in a sustainable open source software implementation. Without such implementation there is significant risk for the organisation, recommends Björn Lundell after a review of public administration’s policies. Lundell is a researcher at the University of Skövde in Sweden.

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Artikeln baseras på en presentation under en konferens i Gouda:

… samt på tidigare publicerade forskningsresultat som journalisten analyserat.

Specifikt har journalisten studerat:

Gamalielsson, J. and Lundell, B. (2011) Open Source communities for long-term maintenance of digital assets: what is offered for ODF & OOXML? In Hammouda, I. and Lundell, B. (Eds.) Proceedings of SOS 2011: Towards Sustainable Open Source, Tampere University of Technology Tampere, ISBN 978-952-15-2411-0, ISSN 1797-836X (to appear). `